
Friday, February 17, 2017

Shadowpox in the Lab

Shadowpox at RADA: Abraham Popoola, video still, 2016
LaLaine Ulit-Destajo, Caitlin Fisher, Steven HoffmanSusan Rogers Van Katwyk and I are in the final weeks of preparation for a gallery installation incarnation of Shadowpox as part of the <Immune Nations> exhibition in Trondheim, Norway, and Geneva, Switzerland.

<Immune Nations>
 is an experimental evidence-based artistic-research exhibition emerging from the three-year Vaccine Project, part of the International Collaboration for Capitalizing on Cost-Effective and Life-Saving Commodities (i4C) funded through the Research Council of Norway's GLOBVAC Programme.

The exhibition will kick off at Gallery KiT on March 13, as the official opening of the 10th Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research. From Trondheim it travels to UNAIDS in Geneva on May 23 for the 70th World Health Assembly

Here are a few work-in-progress photos from the Alice Lab for Computational Worldmaking and the Augmented Reality Lab at York University:

Using Rulr to calibrate the Kinect and projector
LaLaine's motion-capture stick-figure animation in development (Bézier curves are on the way!)
LaLaine's openFrameworks Shadowpox code

LaLaine infects the lab with sprites
Title animator Jos Humphrey gives a peek behind the curtain in After Effects
Jos's title sequence on the big screen

Alison and Maggie the Mannequin model the latest in VR headsets, but not because they're part of the project.
They just make us look suave.