The new project is titled Co-Creating Vaccine Confidence: An Anishinabe Theatre-Based Approach to Strengthen Indigenous Youth and Young Adult Vaccination Support, and it's funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research under the COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence - Indigenous Health Research Operating Grant.
The team has grown to include more great folks from the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, among others, and is led by principal investigators Marion Maar, Maurianne Reade, and Mariette Sutherland. (Yes, Marion, Maurianne and Mariette – a trio of names tailor-made for a musical theatre number!)
We're now working on a 60-minute presentation for the Chiefs of Ontario Health Forum on February 23rd.
Here's some of the press the announcement has received.
Press Release
Northern Ontario School of Medicine: NOSM researchers study Indigenous vaccine confidence in Northern Ontario
CBC Up North: Debajehmujig Storytellers and NOSM collaborate to fight vaccine hesitancy
CTV News Northern Ontario: New study targets vaccine confidence for Indigenous youth
Sudbury Star: NOSM researchers study Indigenous vaccine confidence in North